Course Page

How to assign a course author #

To do that go to LearnDash LMS > Courses and click on a course to edit. Then, on the course back end page, on the panel on the right side you will see the box where you can assign a course author. You can choose it from the list of your own WordPress user accounts.

How to assign a course category #

To do that go to LearnDash LMS > Courses and click on a course to edit. Then, on the course back end page, on the panel on the right side you will see the box where you can assign a course category. You can choose one or a few categories from your list. At the moment, the course grid only displays one category – the first one in alphabetical order. If you have assigned more categories to your course, they will still be active, but they will not be displayed on the course grid.

How to display a short description for the course #

To do that, first you need to activate the LearnDash add-on called “Course Grid”. Then, when you have that installed and activated, go to LearnDash LMS > Courses and click on a course to edit. Then, on the course back end page, at the bottom of the page you will see the field for Short description. You can fill that in and your short description will show on the eLearn Theme course grid.

How to disable the default LearnDash auto content on Course Pages #

To disable the default LearnDash auto content on Course Pages go to Admin Dashboard > Divi > Theme options and click on the “Divi LearnDash” tab. Then click on the option to be enabled. This will switch off the default auto content that goes on the LearnDash Course Pages by default, and will leave you with a blank course page to customize as per your liking.

How to set-up your course pages #

Each of the course pages is built entirely with the Divi Builder and is using Learndash shortcodes to display Learndash elements within the page. You can use one of the eLearn Theme’s excisting course page layouts, which you can find in the Divi Library, or you can build your own custom one.

Before you begin building your course page, please make sure you have set up the following two options from the course back-end admin page. Go to your Admin > LearnDash LMS > Courses > click on the course and you will see the options on the right side bar:
– Course Hide Title – you can choose whether to show or hide the default LearnDash course title display. Choose “hide”, if you want to make your own customized title.

– Divi page settings > No Sidebar – choose the “no sidebar” option to have a fully customizeble blank page. You can build your own custom sidebar with the Divi Builder if want

How to customize your course pages with the Divi Builder #

To customize your course page with the Divi Builder, just go to the page and click on “Edit with Divi Builder” as usual. You can use any of the existing course page layouts that come with eLearn theme, or you can build your own ones. You can have different layouts for your different course pages, or you can set-up one layout to show for each course. You can set-up a global layout from the Divi > Theme Builder options.

Displaying LearnDash dynamic elements on course pages #

You can use shortcodes in a Divi code module to display Learndash dynamic elements wherever you want on your course page. Examples:

– Learndash course content – displays the lessons/topics/quizes that your course consists of. You can use this shortcode to display it:

– Learndash Course Info bar – displays whether the course status, price and buy now button if the visitor is not enrolled in the course. If the visitor is already enrolled in the course, it displays a course progress bar. You can use this shortcode to display the bloc:
– Learndash “Buy This Course” Button – Displays a Take This Course or Login button. Displays nothing if the visitor is already enrolled in the course. You can use this shortcode to display the bloc:

If you want to display a message to the already enrolled visitors, you can use this shortcode in combination with the button shortcode: [student] Your message to already enrolled students [/student]

The combination of shortcodes can look like this. You can use one divi code module for them both:
[student] You are Enrolled in This Course [/student]

And this is what it will display:

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